Businesses must upgrade from Windows Server 2003 NOW

Businesses must upgrade from Windows Server 2003 NOW

Reading Time: 2 minutes13th December 2014 | Modified: 13th January 2023

Categories: CNC News

Many UK companies urgently need to speak to their IT consultants about switching from the Windows Server 2003 (WS2003) before Microsoft withdraws end of life support (EOL) on 14 July 2015.

Companies who don’t migrate from 2003 will be vulnerable to attack from hackers and critical data could be stolen and corrupted. This will seriously impair their ability to serve customers and operate effectively.

Leading UK computer experts, such as Sussex-based CNC, have identified a significant proportion of UK businesses who have not yet migrated from Windows Server 2003.

Use WS2003 migration experts

These companies are being advised to consult with their IT provider early in 2015 to scope out the new IT platform they wish to migrate to.

Essentially, the upgrade will mean moving from a 32-bit to a 64-bit operating system (OS), but the needs of each business and its employees need to be carefully considered to ensure the best tailored solution is deployed.

All businesses have unique requirements. That’s why it’s best to seek advice from experienced IT consultants who will have a sound knowledge of all the options. These consultants will work closely with each business and with hardware and software vendors to ensure a safe and smooth transition to a new OS.

Is Office 365 appropriate?

Some companies who upgrade to Windows Server 2012 may want to use Office 365 so that all their emails, storage, calendaring, file sharing and much more is supported and delivered remotely from the cloud.
Other organisations may need to run many of their applications and store data on a server which is physically located on their premises. This may be because, in their market sector, it is illegal to store data in the cloud if the storage is outside of the European Union.

A good computer consultant will be able to devise the correct set of solutions to meet the specific needs of each business or public sector organisation.

WS2003 end of life nightmare

Whatever the choice a business makes, now is the time to prepare, scope and deploy a replacement to Windows Server 2003 because, after 14 July 2015, it will be too late and the nightmare will begin.

As experts at CNC in Shoreham-by-Sea explain, up until 14 July 2015, Microsoft will continue to issue patches to protect Windows Server 2003 from malicious attacks.

After that date, any WS2003 operating system will be like an office where all the alarms have been switched off and criminals can enter the building and steal or destroy assets without being detected

To wait until end of life support is withdrawn is not an option. If a company waits until the deadline has passed, they may be transferring data to their new OS which has already been corrupted and compromised.

Categorized as CNC News

By Gary

Gary has always focused on making sure the most appropriate solution is provided to help customers, not just what's new and shiny. With over 30 years in the IT industry Gary has the experience to tell the difference between something that's game-changing or is just a passing fad!